Professional Project Process -- Pro^3

本文介绍了电气层(OSI Physical Layer)硬件接口实现电平匹配全过程——以FPGA+Arduino实验平台项目开发为例。

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总体上的知识可以从两个角度来进行划分:认识论的和本体论的。 在认识论层面把知识划分为:过程性知识和叙述性知识。 在本体论层面把知识划分为:知识本身和知识结构。 如果承认人是社会文化“濡化”的产物这一事实,那么知识结构决定人的思维方式。 因材施教的基础是对教学对象思维方式的清晰辨识。 承继自苏联模 ...
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Explain Data Routing -- A Digital Design Method

In this post, I try to use digital logic to explain the basic concept of data routing.

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How to connect COMPIM (Proteus) with Serial Monitor (Arduino IDE)

This is a tutorial about how to connect Proteus with Arduino IDE by serial port. Take BCD Adder for an instance.

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Hello World
Welcome to Hexo! This is your very first post. Check documentation for more info. If you get any problems when using Hexo, you can find the answer in ...
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